热烈祝贺华盛“华文乐半天营”圆满结束! 八天的时间里,孩子们学中乐,乐中学,喜悦大进步! Congratulations on completing the Chinese Learning Adventure Half-day camp! In just 8 days, students found joy in learning and will make learning Chinese a lifelong...
华盛的学生在居家学习的阶段,努力学习,成绩大有进步!为了更好地帮助孩子树立学习华文的信心,我们给予孩子们奖品鼓励。动起手来抽抽奖,人人有奖人人乐! Our students at C Win have continuously worked hard and improved their grades despite the challenges of remote learning. We gave out rewards to encourage them and their confidence in learning...
学无止境,锲而不舍,为了紧随教育教学前沿理念,我们的老师一直与时俱进,在学习的路上从未止步! 教育学专家黄世晴博士为老师“持续充电”,带领大家共同探讨最新教育管理模式与教学方法。 Dedication to life-long learning is the key to success. With accelerated advancements occurring in the education landscape now, our teachers are keeping themselves up-to-date on...
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